Reply To: illness
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had to kill no.1 this evening :cry:
was at the surface jumping for about 10 seconds the lay flat (on its side) and started to swim round in circles really fast (havent seen my cpds move so fast) do it for about to mins and stopped and just layed on its side then it started to jump again! it stopped for about a minite and starting to breath really hard and shaking so i out it in a bowl (quickest thing to get) caught it put it in the for 10 mins with an airstone and towel over to make it dark and was shaking even more.
so i made the decision to kill it (was the hardest thing ive done in a long time)
on a good note no2 is alive still and seems to have recoved. been doing water changes every other day replacing lost salt. will keep him in there for another week and will slowly reduce the salt level to normall again.
i think both illness’ have been caused by water quailty when i went alway due to excess feeding
on a good note i found a fry (first one since i got back!)