Reply To: CPD newbie with some questions…

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat CPD newbie with some questions… Reply To: CPD newbie with some questions…


Hi welcome to the forum.. I would certainly use a lid. I didnt always beleive it was neccesary until a male Ram cichlid decided to commit suicide about ten minutes after spawning with the female. I now keep all my breeding tanks covered when possible.
I would suggest lots and lots of plants covering all sides and back with a small area for viewing. I have 4 wild males and 6 tank bred females which are extremly shy and nervous when placed in any tank of less than 50litres. I keep them in a deep 140litre tank and they are not shy at all in this.
Here is a page about Myanmar(Burma) where the CPD’s come from…
They should be ok at these temperatures but to get them to spawn you may want to try raising the temp to the high 80’s (30c), i have had luck with this method but others on here dont really seem to use triggers and still breed them fine. Goodluck.