Reply To: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes??

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? Reply To: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes??


yeh those problems seem to be all the ones ive encountered too. although i must say that the water change problem has never affected my fish before – usually i change at least 50%-70% a day, but now i have just pput the fry into breeding net (although on that note intrrestingly – i have lost a LOT more fry doing this way, than my normal method of keeping fry in a 1 litre container and then putting them into the net at about 4 weeks old)

As for the pencilfish, they were a bonus – i had 3 males and 6 females in a setup much like my celestial one actually – plenty of plants etc. One day i noticed a handful of fry swimming around so i saved 10 and raised them to adulthood just as a small scale project. there were probably lots more fry aroudn though, as the females were nice and plump, full of eggs allmost all the time. My best success of a single brood was easily with the zebra danios though – one female and male in a net in a tank(eggs fall through) gave me well over 400 fry! (disaster with a faulty heater did for those alas:() but i raised quite a few of those quite happily.

With your CPDs, it took mine about 2months to get it together, but it did coincide with a week of feeding a mix of flake, live and frozen food and two waters changes of approx 20%. since then im finding fry on the sand almost daily. I am using a heavily planted tank though which is half java moss and half ‘grass’ – ill get a pic up here when i work out how too lol.