Reply To: HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder!
Welcome to the website! › Forums › General › General Aquaria › HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder! › Reply To: HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder!
I got two more big plants in addition to my 4 grass plants and 4 more females. The one male (not the yellow) keeps floating head down and has a really swollen belly (I quarentined him). The yellow male is now attacking (literally nipping) the 5 females and Nibbles. The water in my tank keeps heating up during the day when I have my light on. They are two tube style 15 watt bulbs. Should I just unscrew one? Should I not turn the lamp on unless I am watching the fish? Will my fish do better in a warmer tank? (I bought them from a section called “heated tank fish”). Am I supposed to unpot my plants? And if I do, (I already did…) shoud I get off the excess “dirt” and plant the roots in my gravel?