Reply To: HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder!

Welcome to the website! Forums General General Aquaria HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder! Reply To: HELP!! Male guppy attmpting baby goldfish murder!


The goldfish is less than 2″. I know that female guppies can hold sperm for 6 months but right before and for a little while after they give birth they release a pharimone letting the males know that they are ready to mate. The new sperm is “used” as well as the old sperm. Both of my males and what ever other fish she has bred with can sire her next batch. I know gold fish aren’t tropical, but my tank is cold water, he is small, and since he is a fantail he is fairly slow moving so even if he was agressive the other fish would have a great chance at getting away because they all swim much faster than Nibbles. Like I said and need help with, my guppy is bullying my goldfish…