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:lol: You are NOT alone! Admitedly, my house isn’t too bad (yet) So far three tanks in the front room and a small one in my daughters bedroom. I blame it all on my husband, he bought me a tank before he went away to give me something to do while he was gone. By the time he got back 3 months later i had 4 tanks up and running!
Now I want to seriuosly breed my cpd’s all hell is going to break loose. I’m getting a stand for a four foot tank, which will actually hold 2X 4ft tanks (he! he!) BUt instead of two 4ft tanks I’m going to have the 4ft on top with two 2′ tanks underneath for growing on fry. plus I’ll have to put the spawning tank somewhere. Luckily the spawning tank is only 16″ x 6″ so it can probably sit on the windowsill.
Water change day is always a mess, with buckets everywhere and trying to keep my 2yr old from playing in it!
I’m dreading trying to move them all this summer, with styrofoam boxes, bags, fish, plants, gravel etc everywhere. Plus the removals men getting in my way.

The best part is, my husband can’t complain as he desperately wants a marine tank in the next few years. Seeing as what he wants is going to cost a fortune, he doesn’t dare say anything about my tanks. (me spending mere hundreds compared to his estimated thousands!)

Now where did I put that magnifying glass?