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Well I don’t know about other lilaeopsis species but this one’s doing great. It looks like grass and sends out little baby plants with roots already that can be cut off and transplanted. Also grows very fast. The Galaxies don’t actually seem to go through it, but love darting in between .

Sorry, I can’t find the light I’ve got on the internet. It says “life glow” and “GLO” on the base of the bulb but searching from this led me nowhere, and I didn’t keep the package.

Any way, for the new 20 gallon tank I’ll be setting up I’m going with plastic. Not only because I don’t want another tank with buggers in it to make me clean the glass alot, and get vexed, and it doesn’t need UV light, and especially because I don’t want to move any plants from my “breeding” tank.

Atlantis Child