Reply To: New to Breeding


i breed mine in a planted tank then move the fry into the fry tank. i think this is the way most people do it on here due to space etc it is also the easyiest way

so you could have a community of galaxy/Celestial Pearl Danio’s in a tank with a few plants heater filter and you should get some fry

this will probably sound comfusing if you dont understand the above i wouldnt bother reading below as it will make it harder!

theres a thread on here that says if you condition a male and female in a seperate tank for a week/few weeks (carnt remember exactly) so a male in his own tank and a female in her own tank)

after the 2 weeks are up put the male with the female and leave for a day(24 hours) and there should be eggs in there (however you probably wont see them unless you eye sight is perfect)

remove both parents into another tank and leave the eggs for a few days and there will be fry (aparently they can have upto 250 but i carnt say wheather its true or not as i havent done it yet)

when i get my fish house done i will be trying this

ste congrats on the rams does this mean your getting more tanks to shut the mrs up ? lol :lol:
