Reply To: what other tanks do you have?
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40 gallon..Amazon community
6 Red turk Discus (including 1 pair)
8 corydoras sterbai
4 corydoras panda
2 wild rams (breeding pair)
2 Twig catfish..Farlowella vittata
25 Gallon amazon community (Breeding stock)
2 breeding pairs of bristlenose plecs
1 apistgramma agassiz
8 Columbian tetra
16 rummynose tetras
18 neon,wild green and cardinal tetras
4 galaxy rasboras (celestial pearl danios)
3 golden pencilfish
10 endlers guppys
5 undescribed tetras..sold in the shop as black diamond tetras(i cannot find any photos on the net of this fish, Definatly next breeding project
20 gallon grow out tank
Empty at the minute just got rid of last batch of fry.
15 gallon dwarf cichlid tank
1 pair of Nannacara Anomala (not yet spawned but only been in the tank 3-4 weeks
15 litre breeding tank
50 pencilfish fry two weeks old