Reply To: Outdoor tubbin with CPD?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat Outdoor tubbin with CPD? Reply To: Outdoor tubbin with CPD?


I think ‘summer tubbin’ might just work for these fish. They are believed to tolerate cooler temperatures and our summers are fairly good so i dont see why not. The combination of coloured water, moss, floating plants and copious live foods in a large water butt will do these fish the world of good. Many fish are a lot hardier than most people give them credit for, how many habitat’s in the wild are a constant 78f and given 2 feeds a day.
The water butt is slightly closer to a real enviroment than our tanks will ever be.
Just be sure to keep an eye on your temperature and please let me know how you do, I might just join you.