Reply To: Mystery snail mystery

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Darkmoon Bettas

The egg clusters are big and pink, like wads of bubblegum, and laid above the waterline, like so:

As stated, the clutches usually contain a couple hundred little snails, so only seeing 4 is unusual. They’re usually very visible on the tank sides, although you’ll occasionally get them laid on a filter part or the inside of a hood, which makes them easier to miss. Check the glass and hood insides for any “residue”. If there was a brig egg clutch there, there should still be a faint trace of pink circles left there, dried up, kind of like sea foam on the sand.

Is there any chance the “baby” snails are actually young “pond snails” that came in on plants or something? Those often come in in tiny, nearly invisible jelly-like clusters on live plants. Those clusters are much smaller, usually 20-30. Unless the babies look like PERFECT miniatures of the adults–shell shape, antennae, color–they’re probably not baby brigs.