Reply To: Mystery snail mystery

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They sound like brigs to me too, especially since they aren’t eating your plants. What color are they?
Most people with apple snails supplement their diets with “snail cookies” kinda like algae wafers with other ingedients and blanched veggies. They also appear to like duckweed- which is one plant they will eat! lol. I give my shrimp and snails- Crab bites, since it contains a little extra calcium for their shells.
Brigs are very lazy snails. IF they aren’t looking for food or mating, they are conserving energy! haha.
When did you notice the baby snails? Did you see the eggs that she layed? They usually have a hundred or so babies so something must have happened to the rest of them :/ is a good site with lots of info on snail care ;)