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Glenn, I am so jealous! Those pics put my tanks to shame.

I have a trigon 190 community tank, which has just been thrown into chaos as my neighbour dumped a red tailed black shark on me (it was a case of take it or he’d flush it!)
Also home to;
6 dwarf gouramis,
4 albino cories
2 ottos (soon to add more)
3 zipper loach
1 dwarf chain loach
3 guppies

2x15G planted tanks housing my cpd’s and 2 ottos. One has loads of java moss, fern, anubias with 3 male and 4 female’s, these are the ones producing babies so far.
The other tank has 2 clown killies and 11 cpd’s, I don’t know the ratio of m/f

When I get a stand, all the cpd’s will be moving into their new home which is a 4 foot tank.
I am considering putting them all in the java tank for now and using the other 15G for fry, but as I only seem to have one baby at the moment, it might be a bit lost in there!