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75 gal lake malawi
2 p. socolofi
5 n. venestus
5 c. afra cobue
looking to add more

20 long
growout of 20 p. demasoni

20 high
breeding pair of n. brichardi

10 planted
5 harlequin rasboras
1 fancy guppy and a bunch of feeder quality

10 hex planted
6 celestial pearl danios

30 reef
2 ocallaris clowns
1 bangaii cardinal
1 sixline wrasse
1 mandarin goby
frogspawn, hammer, bubble, pocillapora, zooanthids, xenia, watermelon mushrooms, other stuff.

does the pond count? it has 3 koi, 2 shubunkin, and 9 comets.

oh yea, fluffy the snapping turtle is in a 75 gal too!