Reply To: what other tanks do you have?
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I have:
20 long Reef
several types of mushroom corals
toadstool coral
green sinularia coral
hermit crabs
green star coral
various zoa corals
1 peppermint shrimp
75 gallon#1-heavily planted
1 blue acara
8 praecox rainbowfish
4 siamese algae eaters
1 florida flag fish
1 rubberlip pleco
1 yoyo loach
1 angelicus botia
75 gallon #2-sparsely planted
10 Honduran Red points and soon to be more fry<- hard on plants!
2 black swordtails (soon to be moved outside)
29 gallon-planted
2 cory catfish
1 unusually large ghost shrimp
10 gallon#1-heavily planted
endler’s livebearers
cherry shrimp
ramshorn snails
10 gallon#2planted
2 female ct bettas
cherry shrimp
2 male bettas in temporary housing until their tubs outside are ready
1 kiddie pool outside with 4 bluefin killifish and endler’s livebearers
2- 35 gallon tubs which will house rainbows and swordtails
2 -20 gallon tubs which will house bettas and CPD
I am also planning to put cherry shrimp in some of these tubs.