Reply To: Outdoor tubbin with CPD?
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Have you ever tried tubbing outdoors with tropical fish? this is the first year where I live in a place with room to do it- now have a yard and not in an apartment.
If you haven’t, give this article a look see
The author had 100s of zebra danios breed for him, as well as many other fish. Granted, CPD aren’t zebras, but they are somewhat similar in breeding i think.
these are not permanant places for the fish- everyone will find a place inside or at someone else’s fishroom before the temperatures start to fall. Also the organisms are great live food for these fish, can you say mosquito larve?.. yum yum.
Predators are more of a concern in outdoor ponds, but should be able to control that with a net or cover over the tub if they are a problem in your area.
I am also planning on throwing some praecox rainbows, swordtails, endler’s livebearers, bettas and cherry shrimp in various tubs this summer.