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well if you want to sell your fish and tanks when you move you have a buyer!!!!
i used to go to forest moor when i was a kid as my mum used to drag me there to look at plants for hours!! they used to have a minor bird that could talk which amused me though! so will def have a look there! maidenhead aquatics are meant to be the bees knees, i didnt realise we had any round here though! york is about 30mins away, but collect my sis from college there quite often so can detour while over there! in fact i’m collecting her tomorrow. if my hubby can have the kids might have a look!
she lives near northallerton, so will ask her if she knows where that one is. my galaxy tank and 45 gal are my worse tanks as they were thrown togther on a budget. long story, but the 45 gal came afetr the 15gal. the 45 gal leaked, so got the 2 28gals instead. repaired the 45 gal, so thought i might as well use it, so got alot of tanks in short space of time…tanks were coming in faster than the cash was!!! the other tanks look loads better!
not sure how this wil work (might not show the pics, not sure)
but theres my tanks. the galaxy one has the java moss and a few plants, but needs alot of work to make it pretty. namely lots more plants! at the mo its just functional!
i started with 1 tank in january for my sons , I now have 4 too!! my hubby despairs too! are you originally from yorkshire then, or just here as your hubby’s raf? be funny if you were at same school as me!!!
take care