Reply To: Outdoor tubbin with CPD?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat Outdoor tubbin with CPD? Reply To: Outdoor tubbin with CPD?


It is a 20 gallon tub. No water changes, no filtration, just plants. I don’t feed them, there are lots of little bugs and larvae that get in the water- especially mosquito larva!
Empty on top, CPD on bottom Both have rotala growing in pots inside, and a now huge clump of moss filling at least 1/3 of the space.


Rainbows and swordtails you can see the water sprite got burned up by the heat- it did look really nice!

Swordtail tub with hygro, watersprite, duckweed salvinia, and rotala?

This tub looks disgusting, but i guess all that algae is good for fry, I promise those plants aren’t dead either- just turned reddish brown with all the sun they get.
Lots of Endlers livebearers in here, and I still need to take a closer look to see if I have any bluefin killi fry, or darters.
Oh, and the guardians of the pool ;)