Reply To: Dwarf Sunset Platies!


Hi Atlantis i can help with a few of your questions. Firstly for a tank divider, do you know anything about cross stitching?? (yeah i can see all the lads thinking “what the F*@k” ste’s lost the plot) :roll:
I was looking for a spawning grid for the bottom of my tanks and stumbled upon a plastic canvas mesh used in Cross stitching. It might be useful as a divider if you want to look into it.
Your platys should produce a brood every month but all on the same day never continuously. They can store sperm and i have been experimenting with endlers guppies, mine from one mating have produced 6 broods so far, the two females were virgin and then in contact with a male for a day before he was removed, they show no sign of slowing down and produce their brood after 31 days, i use tons of java moss to give cover for the fry.
All livebearer fry are large from the moment they are born, because if you think about it they were born inside the female and have been feeding for about 3 weeks. Mine take crushed flake, tiny pellets and love baby brine shrimp and microworm..Let me know how you get on or if i can be any more help..