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Thanx for that, ste12000… Your probably the biggest fish geek here. :D And that’s an honest complement.

@ste12000 wrote:

The best book about Breeding fish i have come across is the series by Dr Herbert.r.Axelrod simply called ‘Breeding Aquarium fish’ It is the most indepth series of books about breeding i have read yet, the first one was published in 1971 but the info is not out of date at all, sure their equipment is completely different to the modern stuff we use now but the fish still breed the same and thats what counts.

I actually have two of the books in that series, Book 4 and 6. They were selling them used from my local library. They didn’t have the rest of them, unfortunately. And also, none of the fish in those books I have, or can get right now.

But there is probably a bunch of similarities between related species, right?

He’s also written a lot of other books as well, 9 of which are at my library, so I’ve gone through some of those, and will try to get my hands on the others.

Really like the way he writes, actually. Very easy to read, not too text-booky and quite personal.