Reply To: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes??

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes?? Reply To: how do i keep fry alive for more than 3minutes??


lol thats ok – i think my question is answered now :D i must admit ive never used other foods (microworms) for my fry – i normally start off with liquidfry, then after about 2 weeks i have a ‘special fry formula’ lol that i use. at about 4 weeks old i use crushed flake along with my formula and then at about 6 weeks plus its live food all the way :D if you want to condition your fish then live food is always the best, with frozen coming a close second – get them well fed for about 1-2 weeks – some say seperate the sexes whilst you do this so they are more than ‘up for it’ when you put them back – also it allows the females to build up a nice batch of eggs – more eggs = more fry (in theory lol) – this is the method im going to be using to attempt to breed my cardinals in a few weeks time :D