Reply To: Deaths.


Hey. I don’t use the salt anymore, it was bought for aiding stress reduction when I had a suspected whitespot outbreak in my Rio 125. I’d read it helps in stress reduction generally so thought i’d give it a try. I’ve done loads of water changes since and reckon there’s none in there now. Plus the CPD’s were moved to their own tank a few weeks later which I hadn’t bought when I got the 1st 2 batches. Their tank has never had any salt added. Anyway, water parameter:

Ammonia – 0ppm
Nitrite – 0ppm
Nitrate – 10-15ppm
pH – 7
GH – 160
KH – 80

The hardness i’ve not checked for a while but i’m pretty sure it’ll be the same. I’ve been feeding them live daphnia, but run out. So, now they’re back on broken up TetraMin Crisps, Frozen Bloodworm, Baby Brine Shrimp, Freeze Dried Tubifex. I’ve been trying different things as a few had sunken in bellies and also they weren’t taking to some foods. As for plants, there’s a blanket of Java Moss and lots of floating Elodia. Temperature is 24 degrees. Poo… i’m not sure. Looking pretty normal I guess. That female I mentioned is not looking so good at all. She’s spent most of the day just resting on top of the Java Moss and not swimming around. I might even freeze her if she’s not improved by the morning as she appears to be suffering. Hey stomach is very shrunken. Any suggestions?