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I have:
Pseudotropheus demasoni – breeding
Labidochromis sp. Hongi “red top” – breeding
Pelvicachromis pulcher – breeding
Celestial Pearl Danio’s – just started breeding
Poecilia sp. “Endlers” – breeding
Caridina cf. cantonensis “Crystal Red Shrimp” – breeding
Ancistrus sp. – finaly i got a pair but still havent done it
Ancistrus sp. “albino” – 3 pairs but too young to breed
Peckoltia vittata – cant get them to breed
Hypancistrus sp. “King Tiger Pleco” L066 – done it once and the babies died after 2 days, havent done it again , but it will come soon
and i have 2 discus and some Paracheirodon axelrodi that are going out soon coz i plan to sell my 180L aquarium and get a 700-1000L for the leaving room for wild discus and a pair of stingrays
I think thats all for now :lol: but ill get more sorts off fishes that ill breed in the future
ill have some pics here and ill update it as soon as i have time