Reply To: Nervous behavior


mine stay in their shoal all the time.
when the scissor tailed raboras and dwarf neon rainbow fish were in there with them, the scissors stayed at the back of the tank swimming lengths back and forth, so the galaxies were forced to the front. now the scissors have been moved to a diff tank to leave the galaxies to procreate they have decided to huddle in the plants at the back. dont see them much anymore!
they are great community fish though and got on well with the other fish that were in there.
they dont even fight among each other and i have a mixture of males and females.
they seem fairly hardy as i’ve only had one death and that was cos it got stuck under a stone, i released it as soon as i saw it (no idea how long he was stuck for though :cry: ), then next day it vanished. also had an ammonia spike and they seemed unharmed by it.
tan :)