Sawbwa Resplendens

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  • #10985

    So :) After watching these guys go at it pretty much on a daily basis, I decided to try my hand at raising fry. I tossed some leaves I had just cut off my ‘lucky bamboo’ into the tank to float on top. These guys are alway seen using the broader leaf plants near the surface. Anyhow, I got quite a few eggs from just a few days.


    Then about 2-4 days later, I noticed the eggs seemed to be disappearing…bummer.
    A day or so later, I was really looking and saw a few of these laying on the bottom.


    At first I thought something was wrong, so I tested the water, all was well. Turns out they were just finishing up their yolk sac. A couple days later…


    They are about 3/16 of an inch at 6-7 days after being spotted on the bottom. Little eating machines. I have a couple clumps of moss in there that is keeping more than enough little buggies for them to eat. With the right light, I can watch them eat these little specks. They are too small for microworms.


    @horsin1787 wrote:

    At first I thought something was wrong, so I tested the water, all was well. Turns out they were just finishing up their yolk sac.

    Of all of the egg layers I have spawned, the newly hatched fry just lay around are attach to the glass or plants for up to several days before becoming free swimming.

    Very cool photos by the way. I especially like the one with the finger. Shows just how tiny these fry are. Thanks for sharing with us!





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