Quarantine tank?

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    Do you guys normally Quarantine new fish?

    I have never bothered but will be setting up a 84g tank in a few weeks that will host mainly cpd’s a few neons and some shrimp. I’m thinking of getting about 12 rummy nose tetras to add to the mix. Should I bother getting an extra 10g tank with a sponge filter to Quarantine them for a bit. Or just add them to the new tank first and wait a few weeks before adding the cpd’s?


    @shift wrote:

    Do you guys normally Quarantine new fish?




    Even in a brand new tank? How long do you qt for? Do you do anything special or just keep them on their own for x# of days?


    I don’t know what you mean by brand new tank. I quarantine new fish from my current fish stocks. Actually, since I keep most of my fish in species tanks, I have an empty tank waiting for the new fish and that’s where they go. If they are carrying anything, they don’t have the chance to infect any of my other fish.



    New as in i wont physically have it for another 2 weeks.

    It will be an 84G with mainly CPDs and some shrimp. I was thinking of add some rummy nose tetras to mix it up.

    THis will be my main stock of CPDs from my breeding efforts


    Move your current fish to the new tank. Keep the old tank running to quarantine the new tetras.


    Thats a good call. They all seem to have shrimp in them but i’m sure they will be safe.

    I found one pet store with a tank full of rummy nose tetras that all looked healthy. The lady said they have been really hard and havent lost any. They also run all their tanks on air filters so there isnt any cross contamination between the tanks so i actually think it may be one of the safer places to buy fish.

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