Hi Dennis,
I’m Béla from Hungary and just started to breed CPD’s 6 months ago. They aquarium bred, grown up in the same aquarium where I still keep them. Got them when they were about 2 months old.
I put 2-3 males and 4-5 females in a 10 liter breeding tank (lots of moss and some other floating plants) and they still breeding. The water is continuously between 26-29 degrees since the heat wave came in ( theres 34-36 C degrees outside for like 2 weeks now).
Aquarium setup: 45liters, eheim 2008 filter, t8 18w lightning, lots of plants and 10 neons, 8 CPD’s. (the neons going away next week as I need room for the young (2months old) cpd’s, around 20 of them.
The last batch of fry became freeswimming just yesterday, they stay in the breeder until they 15mm size.
I feed the adults with artemia, and different lio food twice every day.
I do water changes weekly 30%.
Oh and during the hot nights the aircon is on all night, so water temp goes down to about 25 C degrees by the morning, maybe that triggers spawning.