Yes they eat the spirulina. You can even mix in some yeast if you want. I’ve used a yeast/powered spirulina recipe for feeding daphnia many times. Actually, I think we are talking about two different things here.
When I talk of green water, I’m talking of what is often referred to as a green water algae bloom. The single cell algae number enough to tint the water green.
When I talk of tiny micro-organisms, I’m thinking of infusoria. I guess it’s a bit confusing. There may be a few infusoria in a green water cluture, but there is seldom green water in an infusoria culture.
I use Mike Hellweg’s book, “Culturing Live Foods”, for all my culture recipes.—Step/dp/0793806550/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328739729&sr=8-1