New to Breeding and Have a Few Questions

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Breeding New to Breeding and Have a Few Questions

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  • #10878

    I have a few questions before I try to breed my CPDs. I have a 5.5 gallon tank set up with plastic canvas suspended slightly above the bottom, I’ve got a sponge filter and heater in the tank. I’ve also got some java moss on top of the canvas. I plan on putting a few CPDs in the breeding tank for a week as many suggest on this forum. Here are my question for now, the breeding tank has a 10 watt compact flouresent bulb in it, I am currently running it 10 hours a day.

    Does the light level matter during spawning or after the eggs are hatched?

    I have some methylene blue, a lot of articles I read say to add it to the water to protect eggs, does anyone do this or have any reccomendations on this?

    Thanks for any pointers anyone has!


    I’ve never noticed the level of lighting having much difference. I’ve had successful spawns in tanks with direct lighting and also tanks that only receive in-direct room lighting.

    As for the methylene blue, I’ve never used it in a CPD breeding set-up. Very rarely I might use some dye in a bare-bottom breeding set-up for egg scattering Danios.

    Lastly, I don’t heat any of my CPD breeder set-ups. My fish stop spawning when the temperature reaches the high 70’s, lower 80’s. I’ve got some fish, (thanks AquaGirl!), that are not affected by warmer water temperatures, but I haven’t set them up for spawning yet.


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