breeding tank plants

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  • #10868

    Hi All

    Apologies, another newbie question!
    So ive set up a 6 gallon breeding tank, which is made up of tank water from a friends tank (so hopefully good parameters and fully cycled)
    I see alot of people have had sucess with breeding by using javamoss…

    Is if possible to breed by using artificual plants/ material ?( im guessing the main use of moss is for cover and shelter?)
    or is this a big “no no” ???

    any advise would be hugely appreciated.



    Hi Ollie, welcome to the site!

    I’ve never used artificial plants, but I have used sinking spawning mops made of nylon yarn. I must admit that I am partial to using real moss though. It has several advantages that I think is lacking in artificial materials. It seems to be preferred by the adults as a spawning site, and it harbors lots of micro-fauna for the fry to munch on.



    Hi Ollie

    Although I only want to have a CPD(I want to take some precautions. You see, my cat likes to fish a lot and he’s NOT afraid of water. He has already attempted on the life of my goldfish. Any advice on how to protect the aquarium from the cat would be highly appreciated) my friend has one. Well, he doesn’t use any artificial stuff afaik. He prefers everything to be natural..weed, rocks, hiding spots..everything. I don’t know about his current amount of CPD’s but it’s increasing ’cause he’s already offered me one. Well, Ollie, try not to use artificial weed, control the water temperature(it should be not too high) and direct daylight falling on the aquarium is favourable. And of course, ask some specialists. They will surely know, how to breed CPDs
    Hope it will help you. Good luck with you fishes.

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