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  • #10804

    Just thought I would post an update.
    My yellow shrimp are doing very well. I don’t fertilize at this point I wanted to breed to barter with so it doesn’t have lush growth and I want to keep the algae in the the tank the first born graze off of it

    I traded some cpd and yellow shrimp for 2 breeding pairs of thai bettas
    a black copper hm plakat unfortunately this pairing ended in the female dying from internal injuries from the male I blame my inexpeience for leaving her with the male too long

    My other pair a white (opaque) or platinum pair she was tattered from a previous breeding in this picture

    He is quite a showboat

    But the breeding went smoothly and he was a great dad
    Collecting newly hatched fry

    I figure 50 plus or minus I pulled the female early but that is a good number to start


    WOW….loving your yellows and the bettas!! You really know how to keep and breed all things aquatic! :D

    I’m still trying to get my crystal red shrimp to produce youngsters. They hold the eggs no problems but I just never see any youngsters?!?! :roll:


    Nice looking fish. Do you keep the shrimp with the CPD?


    @Tom2006 wrote:

    I’m still trying to get my crystal red shrimp to produce youngsters. They hold the eggs no problems but I just never see any youngsters?!?! :roll:

    Are there any fish in with them? Do you add calcium to the water?


    @snail wrote:

    Nice looking fish. Do you keep the shrimp with the CPD?

    I do keep cpd with shrimp not with the yellow right now because I want to produce a larger amount of shrimp, I keep the cpd with amano, blue,indian white back, and even a macrobrachium lanchesteri.


    I presume they eat the babies but other than that do you recommend them together?


    They are fine with shrimp in my experience they can eat new born shrimp


    Out of interest do any of the baby shrimp survive long enough to grow up or do they get them all?


    Some should survive if there is suitable cover moss is ideal keep it some what compressed so the cpd can’t reach them. I had one male in with the yellows for a few months but he is unusually small only half the size of a normal cpd he also doesn’t seem to see very well, he didn’t have any impact numbers. The cpd spent a great deal of time hunting and eating infusoria the thing about shrimp is they are very tasty and once they get a taste they will seek them out.


    I don’t add calcium (do you and if so what do you add) but I use 3 parts pure RO water and 1 part tap water, which is very hard in my area. I do feed with shrimp food though.

    The shrimp molt and are very healthy and are now in with just three cpds. I’ve noticed that the cherry shrimp don’t seem to produce many young now. They hold loads of eggs but I never see many youngsters, although there are some.

    They are in an 8 gallon tank and there were 14 adult CPDS in there, so I’m hoping the reduction in cpds should see an increase in young shrimp.


    I do add calcium it made a huge difference in my shrimp they all responded by reproducing within the month. Of course just because it worked for me…it certainly helped with my water The calcium is good for the shell I think since you use RO water they would benefit from mineral supplements I don’t think RO has many minerals if any. You can use calcium supplements from a pharmacy dissolved in water and added which is the cheapest method. I also use limestone be careful of iron in the limestone soak it and test the water for iron before adding. Reef calcium works well and is very easy but of course cost more. I happen to live close to an area rich in limestone and gypsum.


    Thanks for the info on keeping CPD and shrimp together, one more question, do the shrimp eat CPD eggs and fry?

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