CPD – Best Tankmates

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat CPD – Best Tankmates

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    First off, thank you for taking the time to read.

    I wanted to get some suggestions for the best tankmates. I have a 38 gallon tank, with multiple plants and driftwood. I am looking to build a friendly community tank with two/three schools of fish and maybe some shrimp. My first purchase was 8 CPD. Now I am looking to add another school and/or other fish to the tank. What are your suggestions?


    Hi RustyW, welcome to the forum!

    Yellow shrimp look fantastic in a planted tank. A group of Otos would also work really well.

    Some of the other small Danios would be nice too. Glowlight Danios, Dwarf Spotted Danios, Gold Ring Danios, and Panther Danios would work.

    Some of the Rasboras would work well too.



    Just wanted to say hello and welcome to the forum! :D


    Thanks the replies.

    Was hoping to add some larger fish community fish, any suggestions?


    Larger fish and shrimp usually don’t mix very well. Even if the fish aren’t large enough to out right eat your shrimp, they will cause the shrimp so much stress that they won’t thrive for you.



    Totally missed where you posted about mixing shrimp and fish. :oops:

    I agree 100% with Dennis.

    Fish and dwarf shrimp do not mix well and the shrimp are either eaten by the fish or stressed to the point of death. IMHO


    I also agree. Shrimp and CPDs just don’t like any fish bigger than the cpds. Unless you have some peaceful catfish that is about it


    iv’e got a pair of powder blue dwarf gourami in my community tank with the c.p.d & they seem to get along fine

    i did have 6 albino tiger barbs in there too,and they never bothered the smaller neon’s or harlequins in the tank,but as soon as the c.p.d were added they hassled them all the time,so they (the barbs) have been moved to another tank


    I just picked up some thread fin rainbow they seem to get along well in fact they often swim together which the cpd usually don’t do
    They are in a QT tank with some cpd it will take a while to get them settled they were in a local fish store for a year so they are a little tattered but when they are in breeding colour they are spectacular

    I couldn’t resist it is usually hard to get the females, I hope to breed them I also keep them with shrimp with no problems


    Took this tonight lol


    Those are very lovely fish Ged, thanks for sharing your photos.


    Carmon in NM

    Those really are lovely fish! I’ve always wondered about threadfin rainbows and those are fantastic.

    I keep a beautiful group of gold ring danios in with my CPDs and they have done extremely well together. They both seem to have about the same level of energy (very calm) and neither group is at all aggressive. Plus, I love they way they look together!

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