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    Hello all just joined this site but not new to keeping fish.
    I’ve recently been able to get some Cpd’s. The first 10 I got special order from my local store all died within a week as they came in sick unfortunately. Today I picked up the 8 that survived from the replacement order they got for me. Although these ones look much healthier so hopefully no loses this time. Currently I keep shrimp yellow and malawa and snails mainly tylo’s and assassins though not together lol. Although I have some glo fish and corys iin one of my tanks. Look forward to being a part of this community (although it looks rather dead around here)


    Hi Blissskr, welcome to the forum!

    Hope you have better luck with your new batch of fish.

    Things kinda run in spurts around here. When these fish were first discovered and they were in news all the time it was a pretty busy place.

    There’s still lots of knowledgeable folks around to answer any questions and lots of good info in the forum.


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