Combining CPDs and D. erythromicron

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    I have a 20H tank with one male betta, 3 scarlet badis (Dario dario), 10 CPDs (Danio margaritatus), some shrimp and snails. I am considering adding some emerald dwarfs (Danio erythromicron) to the mix.

    Couple of questions:
    One does anyone have any experience in keeping both danios together (any hybridizing between the two species)?
    And two: if they are OK together, is there room in the tank? Don’t want to overstock, but given the tiny size of these guys my tank looks sort of empty.

    I thought about adding between 6 and 10, to match the celestials, and I am guessing they would school together as they are closely related species.

    Just wondering (assuming I can even get some of the emeralds)



    Hi cdirus!

    Their breeding habits are so similar to CPD’s that it wouldn’t surprise me to see them cross breed.

    I think your tank still has plenty of room to add the emeralds.



    I was re-reading this today and thought you might be interested. Down on page 9 it goes into how much alike these two fish are.

    It even suggests that Microrasbora erythromicrom be renamed Celestichthys erythromicrom.



    @ballpc wrote:

    I was re-reading this today and thought you might be interested. Down on page 9 it goes into how much alike these two fish are.

    It even suggests that Microrasbora erythromicrom be renamed Celestichthys erythromicrom.


    Thanks for the paper.
    I did a Google search this evening, and found out some more info.

    They are apparently sister species, and two new papers have been published recently. One in 2008:

    And the second, just published this year:
    Unfortunately, I can’t access the full paper, but reports are that both species are now formally in Danio.

    So, 3 names in 3 years.:shock: Isn’t taxonomy fun :roll: At least Danio is easier to spell than Celestichthys.

    I now have a copy of Fang et al 2009, so let me know if you want a PDF.



    @cdirus wrote:

    I now have a copy of Fang et al 2009, so let me know if you want a PDF.

    Yes, please!

    dab at danionins dot com

    Thanks, Dennis

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