Breading Carnegiella strigata

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  • #10617

    Dear Friends,
    Im new to this wonderfull forum and Im an aquascaper from Bugaria.I really fell in love with the Pearl danio and Im trying to breed them now.
    But my question now is, has anyone tried to breed carnegiella strigata? What water conditions, feeding regime and so on I need to get them breeding? They are wild cought and I keep them in a 100 l tank with a lot of plants. PH 6.8, DH 4 and the temperature is 25 C.

    Kind regards


    Found on the internet:

    Breeding: Although [difficult], Carnegiella strigata strigata (Marbled Hatchet) can be bred in aquariums. They require very soft and acidic water and floating plants on which the eggs are deposited. The fry hatch within 1-2 days. Carnegiella strigata strigata (Marbled Hatchet) fry are very small and requires small food.

    Sounds similar to South American fishes like cardinal tetras, except that the eggs are deposited on floating plants. I’m not sure what floating plants are available to you, but I would think that anacharis would do the trick (not sure on that one). Depending on your local water hardness, you may have to get some RO or DI water to start with, along with some sort of peat or new driftwood to leach tannins into the water to keep it soft and to keep the pH low.

    You probably won’t have much trouble breeding CPDs at least. Lots of good advice on this forum. I’ve rescued a few fry from my display tank and raised them to healthy adults.


    Thank you very much, well I think the most important is the food. After reading a lot about this species I have found out that feeding with flyes is crucial for get the fish ready for breading. After that comes the water parameters and the plants. I will give it a go and will let you know my results!

    About the CPD I have few and I definetely will give them a try too!!

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