only one brave CPD?

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  • #10590

    Hello ,

    I have a group of 10 CPD for 2 months now. Most of the time they just hide in the back of the tank or under plants leaves at the bottom. A few days ago one of them started to show a different behavior: he/she swimming alone very slowly in the open water – not scared as much as the others and not as fast running away as the others.

    Do you have any ideas of the cause of this , I hope it isn’t sick… ?


    if its swimming in open water im sure it will be fine.

    most fish if sick would stay in cover to stay out the way of predators.

    more than likely just getting bravour. hopefully the others will follow some aswell.



    I am sorry to say this species has a unique behavior. The normal behavior is of fright . Only the sick are brave.

    The brave CPD is dead. I left it for an hour alone .When I came back I found my amano shrimp eating him . I don’t think the shrimp had hunted him down…

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