Hello Everyone,
I purchased 14 CPDs from aquabid back in December 2007. When I first rec’d them they were small and pretty thin. I kept them in a 20 gallon high aquarium with half of the bottom tank filtered by an undergravel filter. There is about 1 1/2 inches of gravel on that half of the tank and the tank has one clump of java moss. I was feeding the fish flake food and micro worms. I have 5 young longfin cory cats also in the tank along with 4 young longfin albino ancistrus plecos. The CPDs were doing great and I would notice a couple of fry now and then. So one day I caught all of the adults and moved them to another tank. In 5 days I had 25 fry in the orginal tank. I caught those fry and moved them after one week and put the adults back into the orginal tank. I left the adults there for one week and again caught them and moved them to another tank. Sure enough 30 fry in about 5 days. I have repeated this 4 times and now have about 80 fry. Most of the fry have survived and they are doing great.