buying CPS’s in US

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    I gathered most of this info from an older thread, but wanted to start a new thread for my questions.

    I would like to get some CPD’s and eventually attempt to bread them. I plan to get some from my local fish store for $8 each. Would you recommend that I also buy from another source (i.e. online) to create the potential for greater genetic diversity?

    Listed below are websites that have CPD’s and their prices. Does anyone have any positive or negative feedback regarding any of these sources? Thanks!

    US $6.50 each CPD
    US $25 shipping

    Corys R Us
    US $5.00 each CPD
    US $20 shipping

    Frank’s Aquarium
    US $6.00 each CPD
    US $ 20 shipping (but unclear if they refund DOAs)

    My LFS (great store here in San Diego)
    US $8.00 each CPD


    Hi jcarlson4!

    I purchased 10 CPD’s from last April 2008. I can highly recommend them, the fish are great.

    I wouldn’t worry too much about introducing “new blood”, if you breed only your best stock they will just keep improving. Breeders have been doing it this way with endangered species for years now with great success.




    I have to ask… Where did you get that cool-looking green shrimp in your profile picture!


    @tedr108 wrote:

    I have to ask… Where did you get that cool-looking green shrimp in your profile picture!

    Ted, I picked up these shrimp from a guy on Aqua-Bid. It’s a Caridina cf. babaulti for lack of a better name. They are green shrimp from India. Unlike Red Cherry shrimp these grow very slowly, but my colony is up to about 75-100 shrimp now.

    In addition to CPD’s, I’ve got about 10 different varieties of freshwater dwarf shrimp that I’m working with. :)



    Thanks, Dennis. I think I’ll get myself a few.

    Sounds like you really enjoy shrimp breeding. A good thing about CPDs is that they make good shrimp tankmates because 1) they like cold water, also and 2) they eat few, if any, of the baby shrimp. However, only the CPDs that you don’t want to breed should go in with the shrimp, because the shrimp love to dine on fish eggs!

    I put 6 tiger shrimp in with my CPDs a couple of months ago. I now have about 50 tigers running around. Unfortunately, the extra bioload of the shrimp is forcing me to start doing water changes again (after none for 6 months). My plants can no longer absorb the nitrates fast enough.

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