New CPD Guardian.

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  • #10534

    Hello to you all. This is my first post here as i have recently obtained five of these little chaps and what great fish they have turned out to be.
    I have been reading through the forum messages for a couple of weeks now and i must say the information available here is second to none.

    If i may, i would just like to leave a note for STE12000 as this is where my CPD’s came from. All five, 4male & 1female are all doing exceptionally well. They have all coloured up and are maturing very nicely indeed. Of the four males one has taken up the alpha role as i understand is normal, but all four seem to get along just fine. The female has plumped up considerably and has here ‘fins’ full trying to abate the advances of the three other guys. Success all hinges on the lady of the pack. Hopefully fry should be on the cards ! :D


    Hi Matt

    Glad to hear you’re enjoying them, wish you success.


    welcome to the site and good luck with your cpd’s


    A belated welcome! Any success yet?


    Hi and thanks, i hope you are all doing well.

    Yes :D
    I have managed to raise 20 – 25 fry into some lovely young CPD’s from my five origional CPD’s, so i am very happy as this was my first attempt at breeding them. They are now approx. 7 – 8 weeks old.

    Today i saw something that i didn’t expect to see in the young CPD’s behaviour, males (or what i assume are males) locked together and swirling side by side just as the adults do. It was all going on, just in miniture. 8)

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