My cats are hiding…

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  • #10509

    My newly set up tank mainly for my corys seems just awesome for the 6 pygmy catfish, but my Bronze, “Gold Green” and Pepper hide much of the time.

    I got a Julii today (I couldn’t resist, what a cutie…). He/she seems to be active and doing the normal cat thing. No prob there.

    Any idea what these cats need to feel comfortable to come out and act like their normal selves. Wondering expecially about Miss Peppered. Usually she is in constant action. Now she’s hiding under the pathetic bit of java moss sitting on the bottom.

    Any ideas?

    – Atlantis


    Ah yes!! The key thing is that these fishies are schoolers, so they will feel more comfortable when there are 6 or more of their “conspecifics” — e.g. same species. However, from my experience, I’ve never had more than 2 of a species, and I have 7 cory cats in total, and they’re a lively bunch. They seem to enjoy each other’s company. I’ve got 2 Peppered, 2 Julii, 2 Sterba’s and 1 Orange Laser (or Bronze is it?). So try that… get more of their friends and that should do the trick.

    Also, make sure you feed them sinking wafers, including algae tablets…


    Oh sorry I just re-read your post and you said you have 6 already? Hmm… the other thing also is that the substrate cannot be sharp/jagged but must be smooth particles. Lots of factors…


    I have fine rounded gravel with smooth rocks of varying rocks. Plants and cover too. I might have too many rocks, not sure the Cats like them. The ‘Kittens” love to perch of them on though.

    My Peppered was in the same tank with the same gravel, with slate. She really seemed to like it.

    So do corys care that they are a different species? Like a bronze like to be with more broze cats never mind what and how many other cory things are around?

    I wish I could more cats, but can’t add too many fish to the tanks. I need space for growing out young platys and galaxies when they grow out of their pens.

    I just fed them and they’re comeing out en masse.


    Hmm… My Julii cat doesn’t seem to be growing any more. He’s about 3 cm I think, maybe even 2.5



    Frozen bloodworms will fatten ‘er up!! :D


    Yeah…long as my 7 cm peppered doesn’t gobble them up first. ;)

    Actually, I remember the poor little guy doen’t have barbels too. That probably doesn’t help at all.

    – Atlantis

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