Some pics of my CPD spawned outdoors and more

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Photo/Video Gallery Some pics of my CPD spawned outdoors and more

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    As promised in my “Outdoor tubin” thread here are some pics. sorry they arent’ good quality, but its the best I could get of these little guys.

    My original male: He looks amazing in person, so colorful and very long fins

    My original female, she is bigger than the male


    6 new fish and a fry

    Tank shot- even more moss now!


    Beautiful!!! Soon you’ll be able to start your own CPD shop. Hmm are you looking to sell/ship them at some point?


    Superb, iv been waiting to see how you got on with these tubs..Well done thats a good result.. How did the other fish do in their tubs…


    I’m thinking that by the time it is warm enough to ship this spring I will have enough to share :) Comparing to Glen’s amazing photos I have some fry in the 3-4 week range, which means they are spawning inside too :P

    I had many rainbow fry, and endler’s livebearers. No sign of the swordtails or any bluefin killis. there was a frog in the wading pool, so I don’t know if it was responsible for some missing fish or not. the swordtail hadn’t ever had babies for me, so I don’t know if it was something wrong with them? I bought two cool looking male guppies today to breed with some female endlers.. I am anxious to see what their offspring will look like. they are separate from my pure endler’s population of course.


    congrats on the fry. you thinking of trying anything else in the tubs?


    Oh yeah, I can’t wait til about April when I can put some fish back outside. I bought a 300 gallon stock tank too :shock:
    I don’t know what I’ll put in that, probably the rainbows and something else??
    After seeing how great my CPD pair looks that was out there, they are definitely going back out.
    I might put some Endler’s back out… there are some sparkling gouramis at my lfs I’ve had my eye on forever!
    Any other ideas?


    I have heard negative things about cross breading guppies with endlers. I’ve never done it myself (I got sick of guppies over-breading on me, so gave them away), but have heard that the offspring are sterile, and genetically weaker. Just a heads up for ya.

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