Celestial danios with Siamese Fighter?

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat Celestial danios with Siamese Fighter?

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    Would a school of 5-6 CPD’s be able to be kept with a Male Fighter in a heavily planted well fitrated 25cm cube,maybe with a few small dwarf loaches? I am planning on breeding CPD’s when i get some in 2 weeks and would like to know if the parents,once spawned could go in with my fighter.



    It could work, but off the bat I wouldn’t recommend it — it would almost be like having a bunch of chimps in a lion’s cage, even with lots of trees and vegetation.

    You could try it out and see if the Celestials are in a constant state of fear… but I wouldn’t even bother… why subject them to this kind of possible stress? Mine have their own (densely planted) tank and are very happy… with fry co-existing with them.

    If you really want to do it, I recommend a much larger tank, at least a 10-gallon. Read this article : http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=96682 (white cloud minnows are close relatives of Celestials in my opinion).

    Any other thoughts from other members?


    The figher is one of the most peaceful ones i have seen. And the only fish i have ever seen him chase is a glowlight tetra when it bit his fins.


    Yeah my betta’s really peaceful too. He only chases new arrivals a little till he decides they aren’t a threat to his domain (roughly 30 seconds). :roll: Other than that he minds his own business.

    (white cloud minnows are close relatives of Celestials in my opinion)

    If so they’d be a great mix. Well the more domesticated ones anyway.

    But definately in a bigger tank!


    I had a crowntail betta in with my CPD’s. I only had a problem on the first 3 days and after that they were totally fine, and there weren’t many hiding spots at all.


    Hi, I have had my CPDs since Spring 2007, and they live in a 48l community tank including a trio (one male and two female) of Siamese Fighters, who were added later on. My male fighter is very peaceful and has never paid any attention whatsoever to the CPDs, which are very happy and have bred in a partitioned section of the same tank. I’m currently cycling a new 48l tank as a species/breeding tank for them.

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