I murdered them! All three of them. I poisoned them… :cry: :cry: :cry:
I moved them to their new quarters with fresh water from the tap, but did not bloody add the conditioner before adding them. I was in a rush, so did not have time to observe them for long. THey seemed fine at first, then the male was stressed out at the top.
I thought he was just stressed from the temperature change, and thought little of it.
When I came back from karate to check on them I found three dead bodies, red from their skin and gills burning form the chlorine. :cry: I can’t forgive myself for this. It’s all my fault, and I feel terrible. :x
I don’t know what to do. To try again with new galaxies, or give up on them, seeing as I made such a dumb mistake on these guys…
I’ll think about it for a while. There’s no rush. If I do, I’ll try as hard as possible to get domestic bred ones.
Shit! Shit and freaking crap! I can’t believe this! A terrible end to a rotten day. :cry:
And I thought yesterday was aweful.