Simple live food cultures for conditioning CPDs to breed

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    I see many here feeding their CPDs microworms, but have also noticed at least one question about them. Here’s a great link that details how easy microworms are to keep cultures of:
    It has recipes for the food the worms swim and breed in (flaked baby cereal plus brewer’s yeast plus active yeast), and lots of pictures.
    One thing I do to make it even easier to recover the worms: I use a shallow square plastic dish for the culture, and then cut a ring out of a plastic 1L soda bottle a little thinner than the height of the dish. I set the ring down into the worm culture, and when I want to add worms to the tank, I just lift out the ring and dip it into the tank. Some of the cereal and yeast slurry goes into the tank, but none of the fish seem to care, and it may even encourage more infusoria. The micro-worms I got were from (the fishy version of ebay) — $3 for a starter culture from Kentucky if I remember right (plus some for shipping), from a killifish breeder using the handle Eklektik. All you need to get started is a few ounces of starter culture and you’re set!

    Here’s an example of a buy-it-now auction on aquabid (not my listing — I’m L777 there also):

    I’ve noticed the walter worms I use will stay up in the water column for many many hours, if I feed more than the fish will eat immediately. They stay alive and wiggling until the CPDs (or hydra) get them.

    Best of luck to all!


    That is an amazing link, by the way. I imagine that the guy who wrote it has a little apartment where every surface is covered with some kind of bug or some kind of baby fish. For easy reference, I believe he discusses:

    Vinegar eels, microworms, bbs, daphnia, confused beetles, grindal worms, earthworms, white worms, livebearer fry, and snails. All with really detailed pictures. Fantastic. And a little gross.

    After intensive research, I’ve decided to go for the microworms. They are arriving this week!

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