Tank suggestions?

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  • #10293

    Hi guys.
    Yesterday I went to one of my LFS and saw CPD’s. I have a TFH magazine with a nice article on them but I can’t seem to find it (I had read the article so I knew enough about the fish itself). Right now I have 3 in a 2 gallon quarantine tank. I’m going to be rearranging my tanks soon and they will have a 10 gallon tank to themselves (unless you reccomend bigger) The tank will have live plants too. I would like to breed them, so what type of plants would be reccomended? Any other basic care needs I should know about?

    Thank you


    Lots and lots of java moss! My tank has a bit of bogwood, java moss, java fern, anubias and hair grass(which the fry seemed to like to hide in.) It’s a low light tank (approx 1wpg) as I found they kept hidden more with bright lighting. In the low light, planted tank, they seem to be a lot happier, I’ve even added a few white cloud minnows which has encouraged them to come out even more. The cpd’s bred quite happily in this tank before I added the minnows. But I now have a seperate spawning tank with just java moss and willl simply transfer a couple of pairs as and when I want fry.
    Hope that helps some.


    as said java moss most people onhere have it in there tanks.

    also i find polysperma good as it grows very fast in low light (my tanks like a jungle now with almost all the floor covered)

    theres a few articles here form pfk

    and some background info here

    i wouldnt put anymore in the current tank but when they go into the 10 gallon you could put another 5



    Ok cool. What type of filter should I use? Would a sponge filter be good?


    sponge filter wouldbe great as it wont suck up any fry.

    or you could use a small external filter with a bit of sponge over the intake



    Seems like a daft question but have you sexed the fish?? Try to cram as many plants as possible and maybe enlarge the shoal, These can be very nervous and shy in small tanks. Mine were until i placed them in my 140litre community tank, since then the are always out and about. I put two pairs in two 15litre breeding tanks last week and they just sat under the filter for two days (no eggs) When i try again i am going to cram the tank with java moss from top to bottom and see if that helps.. Good luck, they really are lovely fish.


    Nope haven’t sexed them. I think they might be too young still, they still don’t have red colors on the fins. How do I sex them though?


    The males will have a lot of bright red in the fins and be a nice dark blue colour. The picture at the top of the forum shows the male. The females in comparison will look slightly washed out, less bright colours and you should see a small black pigment near to her vent.


    Oh cool. About how old should they be before they are able to get sexed? Mine still don’t have any colors close to pics I’ve seen. I think mine are still only about 9 weeks old.

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